There are three types of single words كَلِمَةٌ :
- إِسْمٌ : Refers to a person, place, thing, idea, adjective and adverb. Examples:
- Person: “رَجُلٌ” (a man)
- Place: “مَدْرَسَةٌ” (a school)
- Thing: “كِتَابٌ” (a book)
- Idea: “عَدَالَةٌ” (justice)
- Adjective: “كَبِيرٌ” (big)
- Adverb: “سَرِيعًا” (quickly)
- فِعْلٌ : Refers to an action or a state. It has a tense (past, present or future). Examples:
- Past: “كَتَبَ” (He wrote)
- Present: “يَكْتُبُ” (He writes)
- Future: “سَوْفَ يَكْتُبُ” (He will write)
- حَرْفٌ : A word that needs another word with it in order to make sense. Examples:
- “فِي” (in): In order to makes sense it needs another word, like “فِي البَيْتِ” (in the house).
- “إِلَى” (to): In order to makes sense it needs another word, like “إِلَى المَدْرَسَةِ” (to the school).
- “وَ” (and): Connects words like “كِتَابٌ وَ قَلَمٌ” (a book and a pen)